Planting Hemp Seeds 101: Germinating, Planting, & Timing

Posted on July 23rd, 2021 to Education by

Hemp: a unique plant with such a diverse collection of interesting qualities and uses. It really is no wonder why hemp is rapidly retaking its place as an agricultural commodity. In 2020, over 460,000 acres of industrial hemp were produced across most states in the U.S. It all starts with a tiny seed. Whether you intend to get into the hemp farming business or you are just curious, planting hemp seed successfully can involve a bit of a learning curve. Here is a look at some of the things to know about planting hemp seed.

How to Prepare Hemp Seeds for Planting

A little prior preparation can give hemp seeds the best chance of a good start. While prior germination is not always necessary, as many farmers use a direct-sow planting method, germination can get the growing process kickstarted just the same.

How to Germinate Hemp Seeds

  • Soak the seeds in water for about two hours
  • Place the seed between moist tissues or towels
  • Lay flat in a loosely covered tray
  • Lightly water the tissue paper with distilled water to maintain moisture

Keep the seeds in a dark environment and at a stable room temperature. You should start to see germination in about three to five days.

How to Plant Hemp Seeds

If you previously germinated your seed, you’ll want to wait until you have first roots about a centimeter long or more before planting. Germinated seeds should be placed in the soil root down about one-quarter to one-half inch deep. A good rule of thumb is to keep the seeds at least four inches apart, but because some varieties grow so large, some people prefer to distance seeds even more.

When to Plant Hemp Seeds Outdoors

It’s vital to prepare the right soil for growing hemp. If you’re growing hemp outdoors, you want the soil temperature to be around 50 degrees. In most parts of the country, this would mean planting sometime between April and June. Hemp plants fare best with a good six to eight hours of sunlight, and some generous watering may be necessary for the first few weeks. Beyond that initial growing point, however, hemp is highly resilient and usually does not need water.

How many hemp seeds per acre?

The answer to this can vary depending on:

  • The strain or variety of hemp you are growing
  • How the hemp will be used once it is grown
  • What kind of harvesting practices you have planned

When it comes to growing hemp for CBD extraction, the general number of plants per acre may be around 1,000 to 1,600. On the contrary, hemp grown in mass for textile use may involve 400,000 plants per acre.

From Seed to Hemp – Final Words from Hunger Mountain

Growing hemp is undoubtedly associated with a learning curve. At Hunger Mountain, our CBD business starts at the farm and right from the seed. To get to know more about our regenerative farming practices with hemp, check out our story. Looking for high-quality cannabinoid-infused products? Check out our collection of hemp-derived products we have a hand in from seed to sale.

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